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By T. A. Trollope. 1 vol., 12 mo. Leonora Casaloni. A NEW VOLUME of this Magazine begins with the present Philada : T. B. Peterson & Brothers .-Those who have been number. This will afford a good opportunity to subscribe , delighted , as we have, with "Gemma," " Marietta ," and specially to those persons who do not wish the back num- "Beppo," will be glad to have another Italian novel by the bers. New subscribers , however, who prefer to begin with same author . The pictures of life in Italy, as drawn by the January number, can be accommodated , as back num- Trollope, are as charming as they are true. In the present work, the description of the basilica of St. John of Lateran , bers for the current year are always kept on hand. at Rome , of the hills on the sea-coast where Leonora --IF YOU TRAVEL, be civil and accommodating to all. Nobe- lived, and of the wild passes of the Appenines through which Ceasare traveled , are among the most vivid things of their thing betrays your character more quickly than your kind in fiction . The character of Gobbo is quite an original havior when traveling in crowded cars. one, and the poor fellow strangely enlists our sympathies . LE d NE ishe PTAB in MAGAZI publ "THE BEST AND MOST ACCE 's rson ey ier try . The volume is printed in very handsome style. this coun ," says the Vall (Va.) Cour , " is Pete Hans Breitmann About Town. With Other New Ballads. Itis our favorite of all such works published anywhere." Philada : T. B. Peter leshers Leland .is a1 vol., By G. .-This 8 ro. ERS g CRIB ar ttin e CLUB SUBS , by remi one doll , can hav the son Char & Brot series of the "Haus Breitsecond "Star of Bethlehem." We make this offer in reply to numer- mann's Ballads ," and contains an entirely new set of these humorous productions . It is printed on tinted paper, in a ons requests . r e ce AN OPPORTUNITY , ONCE LOST, is never recovered . Life is a very elegant manner. We refe to our noti of thes ballads, in the May number, for our opinion of them in detail . oad n s railr trai and stop for no laggards . Agnes Wentworth. By E. Foxton. 1 vol., 12 mo. Philada : J. B. Lippincott & Co.-We have here a new novel by the author of" Herman," and " Sir Pavon and St. Pavon," works REVIEW OF NEW BOOKS . which attracted a good deal of attention when they first r per ishe in the Publ Andrew Bradford, the First Newspa appeared. " Agnes Wentworth" shows a marked advance, vol., ro. 1 8 Middle States. By Horatio Gates Jones. even on these . We cordially commend it to the novel -reading ly inal ess g ada rd.—This orig , is an addr Phil : Kin & Bai public . Like all the books of this house , it is printed in read before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and since published by a resolution of that Association . It is a very superior style . well-written memoir of Andrew Bradford, one of the Notes , Critical, Explanatory and Practical, on the Book of early printers of Pennsylvania, and the first person to Psalms . By Rer. Albert Barnes . 3 vols., 12 mo. New York: a newspaper in the Middle States. The family of Harper & Brothers .- This is by the author of "Notes on the • startford s was a family of printers . Andrew's father was a New Testament ," " Lectures on the Evidences of ChrisBrad printer , in both New York and Philadelphia : his mother tianity," etc., etc., one of the ablest of the commentators on was the daughter of a London printer, quite eminent in the y Scripture . time of the Commonwealth ; and Andrew himself was a HolThe Girls ofFeversham. By Florence Maryatt. 1 vol., 8vo. prominent printer in Philadelphia for nearly half a century. Boston : Loring.-This is the last and best of Miss Maryatt's He printed the first edition of the laws of the colony , and novels. It forms one of that popular series, " Loring's Railsubsequently a second edition , besides various books of a way Library," and comes in, at this period of the year, quite lighter character. His journal, the Mercury, was ably conducted , and held its own, even after Franklin started a rival seasonably . The Cloud on the Heart. By A. S. Roe. 1 rol., 12 mo. Andrew Bradford was a leading citizen of his day and to it.e . He was a vestryman in Christ Church for many New York: G. W. Carleton .- We are glad to welcome Mr. plac years , and a member of the City Council, both offices indicat- Roe back to the field of fiction . His earlier novels were ing a much higher social position than they would now. Mr. all good of their kind, sensible, honest, realistic , full of Jones is a Vice President of the Historical Society, and local color. We consider this last fiction his best. already favorably known to the literary public ; but in this Only Temper. By Mrs. C. J. Newby . 1 vol., 8 vo. Philada : excellent memoir he has added to his reputation ; for nothing Turner Brothers & Co.-A very readable novel, printed in double-column octavo, and forming number eight of of the kind could be done in better taste. The Malay Archipelago . By Alfred Russel Wallace. 1 "Turners' Select Novels." By Horatio Alger , Jr. 1 rok, rol., 12 mo. New York: Harper & Brothers .- This author Boy. Mark, the ng.-A well-written story for boys, on: hLori BostMatc has already written two very excellent works , " Travels ly printed and bound. It forms the third in the " Ragneatmo. on the Amazon and Rio Negro ," and " Palm Trees of the 16 Amazon ." In the volume before us, he devotes himself to ." Late To Mend. By Charles Reade. 1 vol., Serir esToo a group of islands , of which very little is popularly known : gedItDick Is Neve that Malay Archipelago which includes Borneo, Java, Su- 8 vo. New York: Harper & Brothers .-A cheap edition of matra, and Celebes : a terra incognita, comparatively, even one of the best of Reade's novels . The story, to a certain in the nineteenth century. As Mr. Wallace well says, in extent, turns on convict life. bis title -page, this Archipelago is the land of the Orangutan Dotty Dimple at School. By Sophie May. 1 vol., 24 mo. and the Bird of Paradise : we may add, of wonderful trees, Boston : Lee & Shepard .-A story for young children. It is the famous Upas included , and of strange races that even yet suggest " monsters and chimeras dire." Hence the book one ofthe "Dotty Dimple Series ." ng on is one of the freshest we have read for years . We have Farming by Inches. 1 vol.,es12 mo. Bost : Lorins .- Indevoured it, in fact, with something of the same ardor with tended to show the advantag of science and brai as apch ,we to devo the ago. of the oodur narrativ whiors k isearl our boyh of navi valu-- plied to agriculture . Very will written . , long fullier in used Thees wor gat Kathleen . By the author of "Raymond's Heroine." 1 vol., ion r ring incident 8 vo. New York : Harper & Brothers.-Hardly an improveable informat , howeve , as well as of stir and novel adventure . It is neatly printed and bound , and ment on the earlier work by the same author. The Ark of Elm Island. By Rev. E. Kellogg, 1 vol., is profusely illustrated . Boston : Lee & Shepard .- A tale for boys, very well Salt-Water Dick. By May Mannering. 1 vol., 16 mo. mo.forming one of the "Elm Island Stories ." told, Boston : Lee & Shepard.-A storyfor juveniles , well written , 16 and making part of the "Helping -Hand Series."