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Sexto Martii, 1647.

An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, to enable the Commissioners of the Great Seal, to grant his Majesties Letters Patents to William Petty or to his Assignes, for his having and quiet enjoying the sole benefit of his late Invention of Double and Multiple Writing for the term of 14 yeares, according to the Proviso of the Statute of the 21 yeare of King JAMES in that behalf made.

The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, having by severall Certificats from credible men received full satisfaction, not onely of the feasibility of a late invention of double and multiple writing, found out and discovered by the industry of William Petty, and by him made practicable by Instruments, and means of severall natures and fashions, but also of the great use and profit which may redonnd to the Common-wealth in generall, and especially to those who have much and frequent use of writing, and being desirous to encourage not only the pains and labour of William Petty, but also of all others that shall bend their thoughts to the search of such secrets as shall be profitable to the Common-wealth, doe Ordain, and be it Ordered and Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that the said William Petty, shall have the sole benefit of his said inventions to him or his asignes, for and during the term of 14 years, either by teaching, or otherwise discovering the same, or by the sale of such Instruments as are usefull to the practice of the said Art: Prohibiting and strictly forbidding all or any person or persons whatsoever for and during the said terme, the sale or use of any of the said Instrument or Instruments, or practice of the said Art upon any other Instruments (It being an easie matter to adde unto, or otherwise to alter these, which are already contrived by the said William Petty) without the license of him the said Inventor, or his Assignes, upon the penalty of a hundred pound, to be forfeited to his or their use, forasmuch as it will be very difficult to discover any such delinquents.

And it is further ordained, That Oliver Saint John Esquire, his Maiesties Solicitor Generall do prepare a Bill to be signed by the Clerks of both Houses of Parliament, conteining his Maiesties Grant to William Petty, of the sole profit of the said Art accordingly.

And the Commissioners of the great Seal are hereby required upon delivery of the said Bill so prepared and signed by the Solicitor Generall, and Clerks of both Houses of Parliament into the Chancery, to make their Receiptments and to signe the same: to the end the said Bill may be forthwith engrossed under the great Seal. And this Ordinance or the Duplicate thereof shall be sufficient Warrant, as well to the said Solicitor Generall and Clerks of both Houses of Parliament, as to the said Commissioners and every of them for the doing hereof, and passing the said grant under the said great Seal, and also to all and every Officer of the said great Seal.

John Brown Cler. Parliament.
H. Elsyng Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.