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this I tell you to your face, that you never shall put a foot under the roof of my cabin with my consent, and that if you harbour round the spot as you have done lately, you may meet with treatment that you won't over and above relish."

"And let me tell you, Mr. Bumppo," said Hiram, retreating, however, with a quick step, "that I know you've broke the law, and that I'm a magistrate, and will make you feel it too, before you are a day older."

"That for you and your law too," cried Natty, snapping his fingers at the justice of the peace—"away with you, you varmint, before the divil tempts me to give you your desarts. Take kear, if I ever catch your prowling face in the woods ag'in, that I don't shoot it for an owl."

There is something at all times commanding in honest indignation, and Hiram did not stay to provoke the wrath of the old hunter to extremities. When the intruder was out of sight, Natty proceeded to the hut, where he found all quiet as the grave. He fastened his dogs, and tapping at the door, which was opened by Edwards, asked—

"Is all safe, lad?"

"Every thing," returned the youth. "Some one attempted the lock, but it was too strong for him."

"I know the creater," said Natty, but he'll not trust himself within reach of my rifle ag'in very soon, for I'll—What more was uttered by the Leather-stocking, in his vexation, was rendered inaudible by the closing of the door of the cabin.