Page:Poems Shore.djvu/182

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Pedro the Cruel
Already for thy sake I love my brothers;
Already in my heart I do embrace them;
Next to myself and thee they shall have worship,
And all Castille shall know them for my friends.
Maria. Now is my heart in tears with happiness.
Pedro. Risest thou not? What more dost thou require?
Maria. His suppliant further will entreat Don Pedro
That he will royally and reverently
Entreat the Lady Blanche in all things, saving
To take her for his queen.
To take her for his queen.Pedro. Granted as well.
What wilt thou more?
Maria. That it may please Don Pedro
To take the orphans of Don Juan de Lara,
Doña Juana and Doña Isabel,
Out of the hands of Juan de Albuquerque,
And give the eldest to her affianced lord,
Don Tello, brother to the said Don Pedro.
Pedro. Granted. What further?
:Pedro. Granted. What further?Maria. May it please Don Pedro
To take no step rashly or hastily,
But first to take due counsel from those true
And sage advisers that his wife shall name,
To wit, her Uncle Juan Hinetrosa,
Don Simuel Levi, the King's treasurer,