Page:Poems Toke.djvu/18

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Oh! hath He said,—and shall He not fulfil?
Or spoken,—shall He not perform it still?
"Behold! behold! I bear His high command
To pour a blessing on yon favoured band!
Yea, He, their God, who reigns above,
Hath deigned to gird them with His love.
And mortal man cannot reverse for thee
His sovereign will, or change His high decree.

"For, lo! iniquity He hath not seen
In Jacob's race; no evil there hath been:
God is among them, and there rings
Amidst their hosts the shout of kings.
The Lord has led them forth upon their way,
And He will prove their constant strength and stay.

""Thrice blessed race! Each dark unhallowed spell
For woe to Jacob wrought shall surely fail.
Oh, yes! in other, distant days
Full many an eye shall love to gaze
On Israel's heaven-led course with wonders fraught,
And humbly cry, 'What hath Jehovah wrought?'

"For, lo! as with the dark returning night
The lion rises girt with kingly might,
So shall yon favoured nation rise;
So shall they lift them to the skies,
Nor rest till, like the forest monarch's prey,
Each rebel foe shall bow beneath their sway."

Again the trance is o'er! In silent awe
He stands, deep musing on the scene he saw,