Page:Poems Toke.djvu/20

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While angel voices loud the chorus swelled,
And seraph hymns Creation's morning hailed?
Oh! pause and think. By His Almighty power
Yon glorious orb on high, earth's lowliest flower,
Alike were formed. Each changing earthly scene
Controlled and planned by Him alone has been.
His searching eye can pierce the night of years,
His hand directs all human hopes and fears
To one great end. And dost thou think for thee
That e will alter now His high decree?
Oh, no! Pause, then,—the impious thought is vain,—
Nor dare to tempt His righteous wrath again.

Tis evening's hour. The parting orb of day
Now pours on earth his last and brightest ray,
Still fondly lingers ere he sinks to rest,
And lights with golden beams the burning west;
While all the floating clouds that gem the sky
Reflect in rosy tints the crimson dye.
How bright and peaceful all around appears!
Fair eve in silence weeps her dewy tears,
As if she pensive mourned another day
For ever gone, for ever passed away,
And all its lights and shadows, hopes and fears,
Now numbered 'mid the dreams of other years,
To live no more, save when the mental eye
Unlocks the treasured stores of memory,
And bids departed hours of joy or pain
In bright delusion start to life again.
All Nature seems to rest in bright repose,
While softly still the parting sunbeam glows,