Page:Poems Toke.djvu/69

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E. J.
THOU art gone at last to thy peaceful rest,
In the noon of life thou hast met thy doom,
And the fire which glowed in thy saintly breast,
Is quenched in the night of the lonely tomb.

Thou art gone; but thou canst not soon depart
From the breasts of those who have loved thee here;
They will cherish thee deep in their inmost heart,
And shed for thee memory's fondest tear.

For thine was a lofty and noble mind,
That soared far, far o'er the things of earth,
Each feeling chastened, each thought refined,
And pure as the heart which gave them birth.

And oh! who can forget the kindly glow,
The warmth of affection which filled that heart;
The love that extended to all below,
Yet centred on Him whose servant thou wert.