Page:Poems Toke.djvu/99

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HOW strange! a Summer sun below,
Above a wintry blast;
Here basking in meridian glow,
There stormy winds rush past!
Within this sheltered nook, the breeze
Scarce waves yon flowerets pale;
While far above, the topmost trees
Are bending in the gale.

The winds their voices lift on high,
The woods the sound prolong;
Oh, well I love that melody
Of wild, unearthly song!
And well I love, when sunshine flings
Its radiance upon earth,
To listen to the tempest's wings,
Unfurled as if in mirth.

For who, on such a day, could deem
The voice of wrath was nigh?
There's Summer in the laughing beam,
There's Summer in the sky.