Page:Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea 1903.djvu/409

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COUNTESS OF WINCHILSEA 271 �THE TRIVMPHS OF LOVE AND INNOCENCE A TRAGECOMEDY �AN ADVERTISEMENT �Having seen (out of the love of novelty) many Plays brought upon the stage, wh ch have been as indifferent as these two of mine, and not being able, longer then my own life, to protect either of them, from the same fate, of being expos'd, censured, and con- demn'd, I prefix these few lines, which will accompany them as long as they are to have a being, to assure all that shall peruse them, that a more terrible injury cannot be offer'd me, then to occasion, or permitt them ever to be represented. I have both private, as well as declar'd reasons for this, and did I not hope by my entreaty, to be secure of prevailing in this particular, I wou'd assure myself of itt, by a total suppression, of what I have suffer'd to be coppy'd, only for the entertainment of some particular per- sons; but since they are to passe (if they live till hereafter) only throo' the hands of Relations, and such as have professt some esteem for me, I will not disquiett myself, with any fears, or distrusts of the honour or generosity of them, who can in nothing so much oblige me, as in being strict (against any importunitys whatsoever) to the observation of this earnest request of .... AKDELIA. �THE NAMES AND CARACTERS OF THE PERSONS �THE MEN �Aubusson, Great Master of Rhodes. �Lauredan, General of Cyprus for the reigning queen Catherine �Cornare, and Ambassadour from the State of Venice. Blanfort, A yong French nobleman, nephew to Aubusson, in �love with the true Queen of Cyprus, formerly contracted to �Marina. Rivalto, } �Villmarin, > Knights of Rhodes, and factious against Aubusson. Linnian, } �Riccio, A Cyprian Lord, Counsellour to the exil'd queen. Capriccio, A merry drinking Captain of the Guards, something �exceptions. Monthaleon, An honest knight of Rhodes, friend to Aubusson, and �Blanfort. ��� �