Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/100

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Poems on
But nobler yet, far nobler Scenes advance!
Why leap the Mountains? why the Forests dance!
Why flashes Glory from the golden Spheres?
Rejoice, O Earth, a God, a God appears!
A God, a God, descending Angels sing,
And mighty Seraphs shout, behold your King!
Hail Virgin-born! lift, lift ye Blind your Eyes!
Sing O! ye Dumb! and O! ye Dead arise!
Tremble ye Gates of Hell! in noblest Strains
Tell it aloud, ye Heav'ns! the Saviour reigns!

Thus lonely, thoughtful may I run the race
Of transient Life, in no unuseful Ease!
Enjoy each Hour, nor as it fleets away
Think Life too short, and yet too long the Day;
Of Right observant, while the Soul attends
Each Duty, and makes Heav'n and Angels friends.
