Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/128

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Poems on
So while Atrides meditates the War,
Sighs after Sighs burst from his manly Breast,
And shake his inmost Soul: round o'er the Fields
To Troy he turns his Eyes, and round beholds
A thousand Fires blaze dreadful; thro' his Ears
Passes the direful Symphony of War,
Of Fife, or Pipe, and the loud Hum of Hosts
Strikes him dismay'd; Now o'er the Grecian Tents
His Eyes he rolls; now from his royal Head
Rends the fair Curl in Sacrifice to Jove,
And his brave Heart heaves with imperial Woes.

Thus groans the thoughtful King, at length resolves
To seek the Pylian Sage, in wise Debate
To ripen high Designs, and from the Sword
Preserve his banded Legions: Pale and sad
Uprose the Monarch: instant o'er his Breast
A Robe he threw, and on his royal Feet
