Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/137

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Several Occasions.
What new Distress invades?——Forgive my Cares,
Reply'd the hoary Sage; for Greece I wake,
Greece and her Dangers bring me to thy Tent;
But haste, our wakeful Peers in Council meet,
This, this one Night determines Flight or War.

Swift at the Word he seiz'd his ample Shield,
And strode along; and now they bend their way
To wake the brave Tydides: him they found
Stretch'd on the Earth, array'd in shining Arms,
And round, his brave Companions of the War:
Their Shields sustain'd their Heads, erect their Spears
Shot thro' th' illumin'd Air a streaming Ray,
Keen as Jove's Lightnings wing'd athwart the Skies.
Thus slept the Chief: beneath him on the Ground
A savage Bull's black Hide was roll'd, his Head
A splendid Carpet bore: the slumbring King
The Pylian gently with these Words awakes.
