Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/161

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Several Occasions.
Return, O! Virgin, and if proud Disdain
Arm thy fierce Soul, return, enjoy my Pain;
If pleas'd thou view'st a faithful Lover's Cares,
Thick rise, ye Sighs; in Floods descend, ye Tears!

Return, O! Virgin! while in verdant Meads
By Springs we sport, or dream on flow'ry Beds;
She weary wanders thro' the desart Way,
The Food of Wolves, or hungry Lions Prey.

Ah! shield her, Heav'n! your Rage, ye Beasts, forbear!
Those are not Limbs for Savages to tear!
Adieu, ye Meads! with her thro' Wilds I go
O'er burning Sands, or everlasting Snow;
