Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/81

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Several Occasions.
Come, taste my Friend! the Joys Retirement brings,
Look down on Royal Slaves, and pity Kings.
More happy! laid where Trees with Trees entwin'd,
In bow'ry Arches tremble to the Wind,
With Innocence and Shade like Adam blest,
While a new Eden opens in the Breast!
Such were the Scenes descending Angels trod
In guiltless Days, when Man convers'd with God.
Then shall my Lyre to loftier Sounds be strung,
Infpir'd by [1]Homer, or what thou hast sung:
My Muse from thine shall catch a warmer Ray;
As Clouds are brighten'd by the God of Day.

So Trees unapt to bear, by Art refin'd,
With Shoots ennobled of a generous kind,
High o'er the Ground with Fruits adopted rise,
And lift their spreading Honours to the Skies.

  1. The Author translated eight Books of the Odyssey.