Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/90

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Poems on
As when in wrath stern Mars the Thund'rer sends
To scourge his Foes; in Pomp the God descends,
He mounts his Iron Car: with Fury burns:
The Car fierce-rattling thunders as it turns.
Gloomy he grasps his Adamantine Shield,
And scatters Armies o'er th' ensanguin'd Field:
With delegated Wrath thus Marlbro' glows,
In Vengeance rushing on his Country's Foes.
See! round the hostile Tow'rs embattled stands
His banner'd Host, embodied Bands by Bands!
Hark! the shrill Trumpet sends a mortal Sound,
And prancing Horses shake the solid Ground;
The surly Drums beat terrible afar,
With all the dreadful Music of the War;
From the drawn Swords effulgent Flames arise,
Flash o'er the Plains, and lighten to the Skies;
The Heav'ns above, the Fields and Floods beneath,
Glare formidably bright, and shine with Death;
