Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/401

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Popular Science Monthly


���The first aerial fire-fighting company in the world. The equipment consists mainly of chemical extinguishers. Extinguishing bombs are suggested for forest fires

��Is You

��Clang! Clang! The Fire-Chief Coming in His Airplane

THE fire department chiefs of every city of this country have their eyes on Chief Louis Almgren, of the San Diego, California, fire department. Chief Almgren has discarded the horse and buggy and the automobile and now races through the air in an airplane when chasing fires. When a fire box is pulled in an outlying section, the chief jumps into his flying machine and is at the scene of the blaze before the horse - drawn equipment gets around the first corner or the fire boat is going full steam ahead. His is the first aerial fire-fighting company in the world. In test flights made with the new air- plane, which is a one-hundred horsepower machine of the hydro- plane type, trips that ordinarily took the fire boats from twenty to thirty minutes to make were made by airplane in from two to five _ minutes, counting the necessary porting^tSe ardi'and

���Will Never Be Efficient While Your Feet Hurt You

ACCORDING to some of our best physi- Jl\ cians many of our bodily ills are di- rectly attributable to improperly-cared-for feet. This does not refer particularly to fashionable footgear, but rather to fallen arches, which are more common than is realized, and to the painful callous spots which prevent comfort in shoes of almost any make.

An adjustable device for sup- porting the arch of the foot and for removing such callouses on the sole is shown in the accompanying photograph. It consists of a num- ber of supports which can be placed in any desired position and adjusted as needed from time to time. To remove callouses, rubber inserts in a pocket are placed un- der and around the affected spot. There are no metal parts, the material used being soft flexible leather and rubber. The cure is not an overnight one, but

��time in getting the engine started, removing callous spots the relief is said to be immediate.

Those of us interested in science, engineering, invention, form a kind of guild. We should help one another. The editor of The POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY is willing to answer questions.

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