Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/740

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��Popular Science Monthly

���so he conceived the idea of letting the wind do the work for him. He whittled out a little windmill and fastened his herring line to it in such a manner that the turning of the mill twists the line and causes his hooks to spin about over the surface of the water, or just under the surface, with all the vigor of a lively insect. "When the herring are running," says Volk, "they get on the windmill line just about as fast as I can pull them up."

There is always plenty of wind on the pier to make the windmills spin. Volk's success with the mill has been so great that other people have adopted the idea, and now you may see windmills all along the pleasure oiers of Southern California.

��The windmill causes the bright-colored yarn which is used as bait to dance continually over the water like "flies," luring the fish

Fishing for Herring with Bits of Yarn and a Windmill

FISHING for herring with a windmill may sound strange, yet this is pre cisely what may be seen most any day at Ocean Park, California.

The herring are fished for without any bait. They are lured by what is commonly known as a "Japanese hook"; that is, a small hook baited with bits of brightly colored yarn, which are dangled over the water by the fisherman. The fish snap at the bits of yarn apparently mistaking them for insects.

The idea of the wind- mill originated with Frank Volk, a salty old pier fisherman. The constant shaking of the fish pole War became irksome to him ed so that he

��Iron Signs Give Good Advice to Washington Tourists

VISITORS to the National Capital have an opportunity to receive much whole- some advice as to how they and the local police force can co-operate to mutual advantage. The advice is conveyed by iron signs placed at various prominent corners in Washington, where it is not possible to avoid them.

One sign, for instance, tells the traveler that "The policeman is your best friend" and in general terms ex- plains how he is trained to do his duty. On the reverse side of the same sign is another message, which warns pedestrians not to expose their money in public. "Pickpock- ets would have to go out of business if men became careful in handling their money," says one sign. Placed oppo- site the Union sta- tion, is a sign which advises house owners not to leave their homes unguarded. The idea was originated by the head of the Washing- ton police department and the messages have been widely read because of the many visitors who

good advice display- dail y come to the Capi-

who runs may read tal, even in wartime.

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