Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/441

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m BOUNDARIES. Page Of the prerogative ... . . . 7, 8 CANONS. (See Convocations.) . . . How and by whom made When good . . , . Do not bind laity , . . . 51,3 . ibid. 52 . ibid. CATTLE. Strangers when liable for Crown debt 387,8 CHAMBERLAIN. (Great) Office of, how inheritable 81 CHANCELLOR, LORD. How and by whom appointed . . . . 78 V ice-Chancellor ..... ibid. Holds office during King's pleasure . . . 82 CHAPEL. (Free) King may erect, &c. with exemption .1 .63 King and subject join in foundation, who founder . 53 By whom visitable ..... ibid. CHARITIES. Prerogative as to, as /)flrtf«*pam*tf . . .161 In chancellor from Crown, how far ... ibid. Crown appropriating general gift to a particular cha- rity ' . . . . . , 161, «