Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/445

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INDEX. 425 COLONIES {continued). Page Governor, His acts, under what seal ; and how commission de- termined, and its effect on other officers . . 35 Colonial assemblies. How different from Parliament . . . . 36, 7 Their powers and force of their acts , . 31, 3, 6, 7 Differences between them and Parliament, as to King's assent to their acts 37 Effect of demise of Crown on . . . . ibid. Sovereignty of King not weakened by termination of charter — prerogative thereon— King may accept surrender of 37, 8 Taking away the charter on absolute necessity, &c. . ibid. Re- conquering territory, former charter rights revive ibid. Proprietors may vary boundaries between themselves — cannot dismember to bind Crown . . * ibid. Question as to boundaries, &c. for King in Council . 38, 9 But Chancery has jurisdiction, when . . . ibid. COMMERCE.— (See Patents-^Marts and Fairs— Coin.) Protection of an object of law .... 162 So of domestic trade .... 176, 7 Lex Mercatoria . ... » . 162 Foreign commerce, how regulated . . . 162, 3 Statutes as to, bind Crown .... . 163 King how far arbiter of, cannot in general restrain free- dom of importation or exportation, &c. . 168 to 170 -Treaties as to . . ... 166, 7 ; 170 King appoints consuls . . . . . . 170 Gives liberty to enemy to import, when and how ? 170, 1 Licence to subject to trade with enemy, prerogative as to 171,2 The hke by order in council . . . .172 King makes new declarations of contraband . • ibid. King's dominion over the seas — (See Seas.) Prerogative as to Ports, Beacons and Light-houses— (See those titles.) . . . . . 174 to 176