Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/448

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COPYHOLD {continued). Ptige Suspension of whilst King holds . . . 378 Surrender of to King as lord, according to custom, good 391 COPYRIGHT (Prerogative.) On introduction of printing, general and exclusive right assumed by Crown, but finally limited, &c. 233^ 9 But King necessarily has a certain prerogative copyright 339 As executive magistrate, a copyright in public ordi- nances, acts of parliament, proclamations, orders in council, &c. ..... ibid. As head of church, publishes liturgies, forms of prayer, bibles, &c. .... .240 How far if notes, &c. ^ . . . . ibid. Whether a right by purchase to copies of certain Jaw books, &c. ..... ibid. Not in almanacks ..... ibid. King cannot restrain press, no general right 240, 1 If no certain author, books common . . 241 Nature of prerogative copyright continues after publi- cation ...... ibid. CORNWALL. Duke of, title in King's eldest son, and nature of it, ^c. 4Q4 CQHODY. What it is, and King's right thereto . . 65 CQJIONERS. How and by whom appointed • . .79 CORONER'S INQUEST. An inquisition to entitle King . • . 259 CORPORATIONS. Object and use of .... ..120,1 Definition of . . . . . . 121