Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/450

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430 INDEX. CORPORATIONS {continued). pAfe When dissolved by dest4'uction of part, and prerogative as to revival, &c. . . . . . . . S2 When by misuser or abuser, but not by omission to choose officers .139,3 King*s Hcence as to lands in mortmain . . . 131 Attainder of head of, how corporation affected as to for- feiture 218 Private goods of members not liable for fine on corpo- ration . . . ' 287 CORRUPTION, (Of blood.) When it applies 230, &c. Consequence of. — {See Escheat.) . . 231, 2, &c. Effect of pardon as to . . . .103 COSTS. General rule King neither pays nor take* SlO Exceptions — {See Extents.) . . 310,11 Not on scire facias to repeal Crown grants, &c. . 331 On quo warranto .... 338 COUNCIL. Appeal to King in— (See Appeal.) . . 38, 9 COUNCILS OF KING. 1. Parliament. 2. Peers. 3. The Judges. 4. Privy Council . . . . . 408, &c. Peers a right to counsel King . . . 408, 9 Peers therefore protected from arrest . . 409 Judges advise King on questions of law . . ibid. Privy Council — (See Privy Council.) . ibid. &c. COUNTIES Corporate . 120 Palatine . . . . .119,30