Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/452

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4St INDEX. CVSTOM— {continued). Of London as to pledgees* peculiar right to hold good«, does not bind Crown . 28S CUSTOMS— (See Revenue.) King's goods not liable to pay . . S77 D. DAMAGES. For King for injuries to his lands 3^4 Against King, petition the renaedy . . 341,344,5 DEANS, How elected . . . . . 6S DEBT TO, AND FROM, CROWN. When of record per 5c . . . • . 265, &c. Bonds to King, in what forms, &c. . . . ibid. Simple contract debts . . . 266, &c. Remedies to recover — (See Remedies for King.— Extents. ) Due to Crown debtor. Crown may take^ &c. — (See ijx- . tents in second degree,) .... 303, &c. Information of debt for King .... 335 Due from King, petition de droit the remedy . 341, 4, 5 King's personalty, when liable for his debts . 2^, fi DECEIT. On pbtaining Crown Grants — (See Grants.) . 396^ 3tc. DECLARATION-~(See Pleading.) When King may waive his, and declare de n»f» * 334 8