Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/454

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4S4 INDEX. DEODANDS {continued). Pag* Alienation, &c. not to aflect Crown . . , ibid. Finding- of death by the article necessary . . ibid* By whom found and of the inquisition . . 154, 3 This prerogative discountenanced, and how . . 155 DERNIER RESORT.— (See Church— Appeal.) Of King as, in ecclesiastical causes . . . 55 DESCENT OF CROWN. Rules in general, same as in private property . . 9 Exceptions . . . . . .10 DIEM CLAUSIT EXTREMUM. {See Extent.) .... . 328, &c. DISPENSATIONS. From the laws, antient exercise of the power . . 95 Of statutes, taken away , . . . ibid. Of common law, in general void, a distinction . 95, 6 King may grant from ecclesiastical laws . . 53, 4 As to commercial dispensations — (See Church.) DISTRESS. {See Replevin.— Rents.) .... 208,9 Prerogative as to, for Crown rents . . 208, &c. King may at common law without attornment . 208 For all rents, and on all lands of tenant, though holden of another lord when .... 208, 9 In highway . . . . . . 209 Grantee of Crown lands, his rights as to . . ibid. On goods seized on extent bad , . . 281 For rent, how far extent operates against . 287