Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/467

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INDEX. 447 EXTENTS IN CHIEF in Second Degree, {continued). Page Where extents into two counties and debt paid to one sheriff ...... 316 Sheriff may retain poundage, but must return whole money . , ... . ibid. As to sheriff getting reward for extraordinary service ibid. EXTENTS IN AIJ). 1. In general. — Course of proceeding, ' Nature and origin of — Is the prerogative process used in King's name for his debtor's benefit against deb- tor of latter ..... 817 Mode and preliminary forms on issuing extent against debtors of Crown debtor . . . 317, 18 To whom proceeds to be paid . . . ibid. 2. To what degrees debts may be seized on. To the fourth degree and what so considered . • . 31S 3. What Cromm debtor may issue it . . 318 ^o 320 Common law hardships redressed by late statute . ibid. Taken away in general from Crown debtor and restrained to collectors of revenue bound by bond, &c. . 319, 20 4. For sum may issue^ affidavit, and fiat « . 320 To issue only for amount due from Crown debtor issuing it to Crown ..... 320,21 Sum to be stated in Jiat, indorsed on writ . . ibid. Affidavit for it . . . ... 321 Difference between and for extent in chief . ibid. 1. That debt due to Crown from its debtor . 323 2 and 3. Debt to Crown debtor and likely to be lost . . . . . . ibid. 4 and 5. That debt to Crown debtor was originally debt due to him and has not been otherwise put in suit .... 323, 4 6. That prosecutor less able to pay King . 324 How to obtain Jiat for extent in aid . . . 334, 5 Proceedings, commission, &c. ... . ibid.