Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/468

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448 INDEX. EXTENTS IN AID {continued). 5. Form of, — Wliat taken. — Motions. — Pleadings, — Costs, — Poundage, 8^c, . . . . 325 Form of .... . 325,273,4 What may he taken 325 Body, goods, lands, simple contract or specialty debts and monies ..... 326 Personalty from whence bound . . . ibid. Land from whence bound . . . ibid. Discharge of body .... ibid. When more levied than was due . 327 Motions to set it aside, Sfc. . . ' . . 326 No equitable relief on ground that Crown debtor has assets without resorting to the writ, &c. ibid. 28 Pleadings 327 (See post, title Extents resisting.) Any defence which would hold as against defend- ant's creditor, i. e. Crown debtor, instances . ibid. Bill not due — set oflp—statute of limilaUons— -bank- ruptcy, &c. . . . - . 327, 8 Costs 310, 328 Poundage ibid. EXTENT AFTER DEATH OF CROWN DEBTOR. Diem clausit extremum ..... 328 SherifTs duty under . . ... ibid. Substantially similar to other extents . . . ibid. Form of . . . . . . ibid. On what founded .... 328, 9 It may issue immediately on death though no exe- cutor, &c. . . . . . . 329 Must have died indebted, and debt must be of record ibid. Duty of executor in administering assets as to Crown debt^ must pay Crown first, cannot retain against, ibid. Payment of equal debt to a subject before notice of Crown debt, funeral expenses, &c. . . 329, 30