Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/482

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462 INDEX. JOINTURE. Page Wife's jointure not liable to Crown debts when . 300 JUDGES. Chief, and others, how and by whom appointed . 76, 8 Hold during good behaviour . . . 82, 3 Do not lose their situation by demise of Crown 83 How removed . . . . . ibid. Legal advisers of King, &c. . . . 409 JUDGMENT. Court to give ex officio for King, where his title appears though inter alios . . . .244, 372 On extents, rule for . . . .371,2 Necessary to have award of amoveas manus and why 372, 3 For subject to recover lands is amoveas vianus or ouster lemain .... 348, 9, &c. Without it lands remain in King, it puts King out ibid. Alone sufficient to enable subject to take possession ibid. 50 Oustei' le main to King's patentee of the lands . . 349 Amoveas manus where several recover . . 350 If subject misuse the amoveas manus, King may reseize, when and how . . . . ibid. 1 Judgment for subject always general reservation of King's right . . . .348 JURE POSTLIMINII. Former charter rights revive on King reconquering a colony, &c. . . . .38 JURY. Persons cannot refuse to serve on . . . . 19 King may exempt a person from serving on . .20 JUSTICE. King, fountain of . . . . . 6, 75 King cannot now personally administer . . 75, 6 Courts of— (See Courts.) . . . . 75, &c.