Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/483

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INDEX. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. By whom appointed . • . . How and when their authority may be determined As to exclusive jurisdiction of borough justices May administer oaths of allegiance 468 Page 79 80 120,7 ^ 17 K. KING. (See Executive Magistrate — Legislative Authority — Par- I lament — Prerogative — Remedies for — ^c. ) Attributes of . , . , . .5 Perfection . . . , .ibid. Perpetuity . . . ... ibid. Who is (See Descent of Crown,) . . . 9 De facto and de jure . , .10,11 Titular . . . . , . 11 Who may exercise prerogatives — (See Prerogatives.) 9, &c. Cannot transfer Crown . . . . 12 Resignation of . . . . . ibid. hs parens pairicE — {See, Parens Patrice,) . . 155 Privileges and incapacities of — (See those Titles.) A sole corporation . . . .122 So as to lands — {See Lands.) . . . 208 His personal property when subject to his will and debts 242, 3 KING'S BENCH (Court of ).— (See Courts.) As to its visitatorial power . . . .131 Will bail offenders when they have legal right to pardon 95 Will put off trial of offenders where they have equita- ble claim to royal mercy , . . ibid. KING'S EVIDENCE. Where admissible ; not entitled to pardon . . ibid. KNIGHTS. Knighthood offered by King cannot be legally refused 19