Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/486

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466 INDEX. LEVARI FACIAS {coniinued). Page- On an outlawry . . • .261 Taking stranger's cattle, &c. . .261, 287, 8 Against beneficed clerk for his lands instead of extent 297 Sheriff entitled to poundage on, for Crown debts . 313 LEX MERCATORIA. (See Commerce.) . . • • .162^ LICENCE. To subject to remain abroad, whether revocable, &c. 24 To enemy to come here . . . 48, § To trade with enemy . . . . 171,2 LIEN. Of Crown on exciseable goods . . . 295 Equitable, does not hold against extent . . 303 LIGHT-HOUSES. Prerogative as to erection of, and where, &c. • 175, 6 By Trinity-House . . . . 17ft LIMITATIONS. Statute of, does not bind Crown . . . 366 Does not affect dignities . . . . 1 16 LORD CHANCELLOR— (See Chancellor.) How he holds his office . . . .82 LUNATICS— (See Idiots.) Prerogative as to, as /)arcr2s /)a/rj« • • 159,60 In Chancellor from Crown and how . . ibid. , Difference between and idiots . . .159 Crown interest in lunatic's property . . . ibid.- Mad-houses by statutes .... ibid. Inquisition finding lunacy, and how . .160 Whether necessary . . . ibid. 250 7