Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/494

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474 INDEX. OFFICES, (Public.) {continued). Lost or vacated by, 1. Misconduct ; 2. Acceptance of incompatible office ; 3. By determination of subject- matter of office . . . . Implied condition to execute duly Abusing an office .... Non user of offices vacates tliem when Refusal to perform duties of, when a forfeiture When these forfeitures bind others, and whom On forfeiture, what step necessary to oust officer King nominates to, on illegal sale of &c. creating for feiture, without inquisition Lost by acceptance of another incompatible office ; and instances ..... Lost by- destruction of subject-matter, of office, and in stances ..... Pardon of illegal sale, &c. of does not enable party to hold . . . . • ORDERS IN COUNCIL .... ORDINARY. Page 85 ibid, ibid. 86 ibid. 86,7 87 359 87,8 88 92,3 172 King may grant exemption from visitation and juris- diction of .... . 53 OUSTER LE MAIN. Judgment of, for subject — (See Judgment.) . 348, 9, &c. OUTLAWRY. Forfeiture of realty on . . . Of personalty .... Proceeds to plaintiff in civil action Petition to recover monies received by Crown on rever- sal of 221 223 261 345 OXFORD, (Chancellor of.) His power as to making corporation . . . 128