Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/498

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4?8 INDEX. PATENTS (continued). I»age Comment on words ' new manufactures* . 178, 9 Novelty indispensable .... 179 What novelty sufficient; new effect, though old materials ibid. Addition or improvement . . . ibid. How to have patent for improvement . 180, 184, 5 Mere principle not sufficient, when . . 180 When contrary to law in general . * .181 Libefal construction . * • ibid. 2. The Inventor. Who is, within the Act . . . .182 3. Specification, What it is and ground of requiring it . . 182, S Care in drawing it .... 183 General rule as to precision, and knowledge imparted ibid. Bad if ambiguous or can mislead — instances of 184, 5 Or it be too diffuse .... ibid. Or if false in statement as to process, &c. — instances 185, 6 Must give public most beneficial and least expensive mode of using invention, when . . 186,7 No model or drawing necessary, but references when bad ; complete per tc , , . . 187 Bad if denomination of invention in patent and spe- cification differ — and instances . . 187, 8 When inrolled . . . . .188 4. Ho^ obtained . . . .188,9 Caveat 189, 191 If vested in five persons . . . .191 5. Remedies^ and when infringed and evidence^ Sfc, 191, 2 6. Vacating the patent . . . .193 PAWN. Goods pawned, whether may be taken under extent, &c. 285, 6 PEACE. (See War and Peace.) . '. . . 43, &c. PEERAGE AND PEERS. The King only fountain of, and why . . 107, 8