Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/505

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INDEX. 485 PRIVILEGES {continued). Page But prescription good against King . . 380 Now Crown limited to 60 years . . . ibid. Not bound by relations or fictions of law or estoppels 381 If rights of King and subject concur, those of former preferred ..... ibid. Takes whole as joint tenant when . . 241, 2 As to judicial remedies, &c. — (See Remedies for Crown — Extents.) . " , • . , . 245 PRIVY COUNCIL. Nature of it . . . . .409 Their number, qualifications, duly, &c. , . 410 Their appellate jurisdiction in colpnial and admiralty causes, &c, . . . . . 410, 11 Their power to cause oath of allegiance to be admi- nistered . . . . .17 Power over state ofTeTiders . , . .411 Protection of . . . . ibid. PRIVY PURSE. Personalty of King, devise and will of it : liable to his debts, &c.— (See Revenue.) . . . 241, 2 PRIZE. Right of Crown to release when « ., ^42 PROCLAMATIONS. Object, and former use of, and how restrained . . 104 General principle when good, only to inforce existing law or promulgate what within King's discretion ibid. Only can be by King ; when a subject punishable for making . - . . . 104,5 Prerogative copyright in . . . 239 What King may do by in general • . 104, 5 Commanding subject to return from abroad . . 21 Apppinting fasts, &c. . . .54