Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/509

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INDEX. im REMEDIES AGAINST KING. Page In general . 3S9 No action maintainable against King . . . ibid. 1. Petition ; 2. Monstrans de droit ; 3. Traverse of office — (See those titles.) . . . 340 None for personal injury by King . . . ibid. RENTS. (See Lands— Distress.) .... 208, &c. King may re&erve out of incorporeal inheritances . 209 And to stranger, but not to removable officer, when . ibid. King need not demand previous to re-entry, when, but grantee must . . .. . 210,211 Landlord not entitled to year's rent under extent . 287 Rents, what Crown may take under extents . . 297 RENT CHARGE. Not liable to escheat . . . . . 233 REPLEVIN. On Crown distress or seizure . . . 209, 10 REPLICATION OF CROWN. {See Pleadings.) . . . . • 368,9 REPRIEVE. Meaning of, &c. . . . • • • i'^^<^- By whom granted . . ... ibid. How granted . ^ . . « • i"i<^' RESIGNATION OF CROV/N. , . . . 12 RESTITUTION. On extents . . . • . • ^73 After writ of error . . . . • ibid. RESTRAINTS. On prerogative . . . . ^ 7