Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/511

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INDEX. 491 ROYAL FAMILY. Page (See Family Royal.) . . *• . 401, &c. Prayers for how alterable . . . . 54 s. SAFE CONDUCT. Letters of . . . • . 48 SALTPETRE. King has prerogative right in . . . .49 SARK (Isle of.) Prerogative in , . , • .28 SCIRE FACIAS. To justify issuing of extent — {^ct Extents.) . 271, &c. In general unnecessary to revive proceedings in case of the Crown .... 272,373 To repeal grants — General rule when King's grants may be avoided on .... . 330 Subject to have this remedy, when, and how . 331 Where brought, and how obtained . . ibid. Summons, &c. thereon, no costs . , ibid. Necessary for King as to lands claimed by him, when 253, 3 Necessary on forfeiture of office . . .87 For King after judgment for the subject on subsequent matter being discovered , - .^ . 257, 8 Against subject on fresh title accruing to King after re- covery against his Majesty . 357 Against King's patentee on petition . 347 SCOTLAND. Union with England, and prerogative in 26,7 Statutes when bind . ibid. SEALS. King's . 390 Seal days in Exchequer . » 359