Page:Proposed War Guilt Information Program Third Phase 3 March 1948.pdf/3

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series (13) of posters on War Crimes Trials, subject to the approval of interested SCAP sections, with themes based on why war trials are held..... how a minority group threw the nation and the world into chaos......the average citizen did not have true voice in management of his own life..... consequences of accepting false information......moneys spent on warships, planes, ammunition in relation to what could have been spend in peaceful pursuits, vis., new housing, power, modernisation, etc......lessons to be learned from war trials.

4. Publications:
a. Serious consideration should be given to the feasibility of bringing to Japan, as a CIE consultant, a competent? and recognised American historian to write a new history of Pacific War, which would include War Crimes Trials and Occupation objectives. The purpose would be to turn the manuscript over to a Japanese publisher, without cost, and permit him to publish this now history as commercial venture.
b. Serious consideration should also be given to the possibility of an article being published in a leading American magazine covering a recapitulation of Hiroshima, the main theme of which would be Japanese atonement and the steps being takes in reconstruction,peaceful, cultural, activities, etc., to prove to a skeptical world that the Japanese are aware of the reason? of their present plight and are trying to help themselves and their nation. A suggested method of inspiring such an article would be to make private arrangements with Brig. Gen. Bonner F. Feller[s] (USA, Ret.), now in Washington, D. C.
c. Encouragement will be given to Asahi Shimbun or another likely publisher to publish the entire text of the Prosecution's summation at the War Crime Tribunal, to augment Chief Counsel Keenan's statement already being published by Asahi (Tab J-2 and J-3).