Page:Psychopathia Sexualis (tr. Chaddock, 1892).djvu/470

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Medical Publications of The F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. Physician's All-Requisite Time- and Labor- Saving Account-Book. Being a Ledger and Account-Book for Physicians' Use, Meeting all the Requirements of the Law and Courts. Designed by William A. Seibert, M.D., of Easton, Pa. Probably no class of people lose more money tbrough carelessly kept accounts and overlooked or neglected bills tban pbysicians. Often detained at the bedside of the sick until late at night, or deprived of even a modicum of rest, it is with great difficulty that he spares the time or puts himself in condition to give the same care to his own financial interests that a merchant, a lawyer, or even a farmer devotes. It is then plainly apparent that a system of bookkeeping and accounts that, without sacrificing accuracy, but, on the other hand, ensuring it, at the same time relieves the keeping of a physician's book of half their complexity and two-thirds the labor, is a convenience which will be eagerly welcomed by thousands of overworked physicians. Such a system has at last been devised, and we take pleasure in offering it to the profession in the form ot The Physician's All -Requisite Time- and Labor- Saving Account-Book. There is no exaggeration in stating that this Account-Book and Ledger reduces the labor of keeping your accounts more than one -half, and at the same time secures the greatest degree of accuracy. We may mention a few of the superior advantages of The Physician's All-Requisite Time- and Labor- Saving Account-Book, as follows : First Will meet all the requirements of the law and courts. Second Self-explanatory ; no cipher code. Third Its completeness without sacri- ficing anything. Fourth No posting ; one entry only. Fifth Universal ; can be commenced at any time of the year, and can be continued indefinitely until every account is filled. Sixth Absolutely no waste of space. Seventh One person must needs be sick every day of the year to fill his account, or might be ten years about it and require no more than the space for one account in this ledger. Eighth Double the number and many times more than the number of ac- counts in any similar book ; the 300-page book contains space for 900 accounts, and the 600-page book contains space for 1800 ac- counts. Ninth There are no smaller spaces. Tenth Compact without sacrificing completeness ; every account com- plete on same page a decided ad- vantage and recommendation. Eleventh Uniform size of leaves. Twelfth The statement of the most complicated account is at once be- fore you at any time of month or year in other words, the account itself as it stands is its simplest statement. Thirteenth No transferring of accounts, balances, etc. To all physicians desiring a quick, accurate, and comprehensive method of keeping their accounts, we can safely say that no book as suitable as this one has ever been devised. A descriptive circular showing the plan of the book will be sent on application. NET PRICES, SHIPPING EXPENSES PREPAID. No. 1. 300 Pages, for 900 Accounts per Year, Size 10x12, Bound in K -Russia, Raised Back Bands, Cloth Sides, No. 2. 600 Pages, for 1800 Accounts per Tear, Size 10x12, Bound in # -Russia, Baised Back-Bands, Cloth Sides, (16) Canada Great In IT. S. (dutv paid). Britain. France. $5.00 $5.50 s.

ft. 30. 

.00 .80 s.

fr. 40