Page:Public General Statutes 1896.djvu/433

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Light Railways Act, 1896.
Ch. 48.


An Act to facilitate the Construction of Light Railways in Great Britain.

[14th August 1896.]

BE it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the sameas follows:

Establishment of Light Railway Commission1.—(1.) For the purpose of facilitating the construction and working of light railways in Great Britain, there shall be established a commission, consisting of three commissioners, to be styled the Light Railway Commissioners, and to be appointed by the President of the Board of Trade.

(2.) It shall be the duty of the Light Railway Commissioners to carry this Act into effect, and to offer, so far as they are able, every facility for considering and maturing proposals to construct light railways.

(3.) If a vacancy occurs in the office of any of the light Railway Commissioners by reason of death, resignation, incapacity, or otherwise, the President of the Board of Trade may appoint some other person to fill the vacancy, and so from time to time as occasion may require.

(4.) There shall be paid to one of the Commissioners such salary, not exceeding one thousand pounds a year, as the Treasury may direct.

(5.) The Board of Trade may, with the consent of the Treasury as to number and remuneration, appoint and employ such number of officers and persons as they think necessary for the purpose of the execution of the duties of the Light Railway Commissioners under this Act, and may remove any officer or person so appointed or employed.

(6.) The said salary and remuneration, and all expenses of the Light Railway Commissioners incurred with the sanction of the Treasury in the execution of this Act shall, except so far as provision is made for their payment by or under this Act, be paid out of moneys provided by Parliament.

(7.) The Commissioners may act by any two of their number.

(8.) The powers of the Light Railway Commissioners shall, unless continued by Parliament, cease on the thirty-first day of December one thousand nine hundred and one.

Application for orders authorising light railways 2.An application for an order authorising a Light railway under Application this Act shall be made to the light Railway Commissioners, and or orders may be made:

(a) by the council of any county, borough, or district, through any part of which the proposed railway is to pass; or