Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/129

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For, as was spoken by the prophet's mouth,

Who from the first was gifted to foretell,

A Horn of safety, He in David's house,

Redemption for the people, would raise up.

Now is his word fulfill'd. From Virgin's womb,

The faithful Branch takes root, on David's stem

Engrafted, Heir to David's royal house,

His Lord, though Son, whom earth and heaven sing.

Glory to God be in the highest giv'n,

And peace on earth to men of good will come."

Joyful, the shepherds hear th' inspiring words; Gladness supplants their fear, when with loud voice, (Their hearts to heav'nly inspiration warm'd,) They chaunt the angels' hymn with sweet refrain:

" Glory to God be in the highest giv'n, And peace on earth to men of good will come. We praise thee, God, thee bless, and thee adore; Thee glorify and thank, who glorious art, Father almighty, heav'n's eternal King. And thee, Lord, the sole begotten One, Th' anointed Christ, and Lord of heav'n and earth; Thee, Lamb of God, and of the Father, Son, Who from thy Father's throne dost now descend, To take away the sins of fallen man ; Thee only, who art Holy, to assume Our debt, thee only, who art Lord, Most High; Jesus, the just, to suffer for the vile, Christ, th' anointed, to mend the broken law."

Aloud exulting, thus the shepherds sing, And leave their slumb'ring flocks for Bethl'hem's crib; Whose halo mountant, shining from afar, Directs their speedy steps, and points the door.

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