Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/171

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A word, a nod, a simple look from thee,

For law would stand, and none its force disown.

Jerusalem would not contain thy praise,

But fame extend it to earth's farthest bounds,

Till all the world, submiss, to thee would look,

And lustre add to thy imperial crown."

Failing to shake the Saviour's trust, Satan, Quick in expedients, thus to rashness tempts, And quotes the Scriptures, as the Devil must, With parts suppress'd, that make against himself. To keep thee in thy ways, the Scriptures say, Not out of them ; none else may rest secure. Still, he no nearer to his purpose drew, To sway by word or act, whom he assail'd, Or demonstrate more clear who he might be, But hasten'd rather his condign repulse; For Jesus the malignant Spirit knew, Knew he would fain attempt what he suggests, And held th' arch felon's power restrain'd, Whilst with the word's refulgent brond he slew:

" If simple act were vain conferr'd on thee, Dost think vain glory better for thy shift, To draw me to thy purpose, just reproved ? But holding thee to this, do men give crowns For bold gymnastic tricks, or agile feats Of acrobatic skill ? Or grant they may, And something like it may the world have seen, What value should be set upon a prize, Like soon to be displaced by fickle crowds, Pleased with some new or loftier tumbler's reach? This for thy folly take as apt response, Though I naught shun thee on the ground assumed.


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