Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/192

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With purple grapes adorn'd, the heart to cheer, From void, successive at his motion, sprang ; Here simply will'd, and water changed to wine. No sound the silence broke till Jesus spake, And bade them bear the new made wine to him, Who sat supremely at the festive board. Then stands the Son of God reveal'd to men, His glory manifest to all the guests; Who, when they saw, and tasted, then believed, And own'd th' Almighty hand in this first act, Which the Messias' dawning reign approved.

Departing thence, to Naz'reth Jesus came, Where he his sacred Mother left, to wend His weary way alone. But fame before Him went, him swift pursued, and throng'd his steps With multitudes, the God made man to see. The Galileans first his favours knew, Then round Tiberias his glories shone ; Next Syria heard his fame, Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and all they, Who dwelt beyond the Jordan's swelling flood; Whose peoples flock'd to hear him, and enthrall'd His footsteps, as he journey'd on. Within Their synagogues he taught, the kingdom preach'd ; The contrite heart he heal'd, deliv'rance gave To captives, and the bond set free ; to blind Gave sight, made deaf to hear, the lame to walk, And loud proclaim'd the acceptable year. Diseases, at hie bidding, ceased to waste The sick man's frame, and joyous health renew'd, In cooling streams, coursed through his fever'd veins; Palsy grew strong of limb, and danced for joy;

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