Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/248

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Took tortuous way through that glum vale of death ; Whose fires burn'd sinister as he pass'd on, With baleful stench effused, whilst livid rays, Hell's proper hues, shaded his visage grim. Close on his steps the prince of darkness trod; Unseen, him captive held, his thoughts perturbed, Which, passionate, at length in sighs found vent, As wholly not yet banded to hell's thrall :

"Ah me!" he said, "why should I thus his grace Despite ? whom he hath raised so high in place, Next to himself among the Twelve; to be, (When, who can tell?) endow'd with thrones; an aim Worth striving after, if 'twere true; yet, so He promised, when his kingdom comes. Doubtful Alternate. Who knows when that is ? Promise Is easy; not so easy is perform. That but a word ; th' other a flick'ring hope. Should not I then seize present good, and leave To who believes, the promised and unknown ? Two motions urge me; which shall 1 attend? This says betray, and glut your growing store; That bids the lesser leave for greater gain. Both motives base ; but who the motives knows ? Doth He? 'Twould seem; else why his prescient pow'r, So oft to them shown, who his grace invoke ? What if he truly be Messias sent ? 'Tis hard to say; still more 'tis hard to doubt. Who but Messias could such works perform ? Who but Messias would such works project? But, if he be, as he would have us deem, Why did he number me among the Twelve ? A greater mystery is this than all.

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