Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/286

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Hears the base rabble, who but jester sun, Loudest his praises with hosannas sang, Now, hoarse with murmurs, clamor crucify.

Meanwhile Areli swift descends the skies, Stands at the couch of Claudia, Pilate's wife, Half wakes her slumbers, and her roving thoughts Disturbs with dreams, so his commission ran ; Not new endow'd, for such his province ev'r, Nightly the slumb'ring fancy to dispose, Lend vagrant thought substantial wings to soar, Awarn of ill, advise, and safely lead, Whom highest Power vouchsafes to show his will. By his monition 'twas, that Joas' son Slew Amalec, with all the Madian hosts, Though thick as locust swarming Harad's vale } So he th' Assyrian king by night disturbed, And then the captive prophet wise endow'd, T' unveil the mystery of the monarch's dream. The same to Claudia now was timely sent, To warn from shedding of the Just One's blood. Much did she marvel at the strange phantasm, And suffer'd much, till sleep forsook her eyes, Nor longer doubted what the vision meant, And rising sought her lord with troubled mind; T' whom found, with much solicitude she said :

"Deep in the silent watches of the night, When sleep my senses had securely seal'd, A frightful spirit pass'd before my face, Larger than life, and clad in lambent flame. Thinner than air, yet glowing heav'nly bright, It stood against me, terrible to view, Though I its form discern'd not, fill'd with dread ;

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