Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/341

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Joy past all joy, extatic, bliss supreme, Thrilled the vast expanse of heav'n that day, That day, which fixed stood in God's decrees, When, all accomplish'd, mankind full redeem' d, The Son, th' empyreal throne again should fill, At right hand of paternal Godhead sit, And temper mild th' effulgence of his beams. At early prime, (such as in heav'n may serve For grateful interchange, to mark the day With more intensive bright, where dark comes not,) The bless'd inhabitants fill'd heav'n's plains. At God's high will, ineffable express'd, On heav'n's wide champaign numberless they throng; From bower and field, from shady nook and dell, From banks of living streams, midst od'rous groves, Where fruits ambrosial lure unwearied sense, And flowers celestial e'er their sweets exale ; From hill and valley, far as heav'n extends, Throughout infinitude of boundless space, Millions of flaming spirits marshall'd riae. More numerous than grains which Khampseen blows, When great Sahara from repose aroused,

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