Page:Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election.pdf/172

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U.S. Department of Justice

Attorney Work Product // May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)

interest in establishing a communications channel between the Kremlin and the Trump Transition Team.[1] Aven asked for Burt's help in contacting members of the Transition Team.[2] Although Burt had been responsible for helping Aven build connections in the past, Burt viewed Aven's request as unusual and outside the normal realm of his dealings with Aven.[3]

Burt, who is a member of the board of CNI (discussed at Volume I, Section IV.A.4, supra),[4] decided to approach CNI president Dimitri Simes for help facilitating Aven's request, recalling that Simes had some relationship with Kushner.[5] At the time, Simes was lobbying the Trump Transition Team, on Burt's behalf, to appoint Burt U.S. ambassador to Russia.[6]

Burt contacted Simes by telephone and asked if he could arrange a meeting with Kushner to discuss setting up a high-level communications channel between Putin and the incoming Administration.[7] Simes told the Office that he declined and stated to Burt that setting up such a channel was not a good idea in light of the media attention surrounding Russian influence in the U.S. presidential election.[8] According to Simes, he understood that Burt was seeking a secret channel, and Simes did not want CNI to be seen as an intermediary between the Russian government and the incoming Administration.[9] Based on what Simes had read in the media, he stated that he already had concerns that Trump's business connections could be exploited by Russia, and Simes said that he did not want CNI to have any involvement or apparent involvement in facilitating any connection.[10]

In an email dated December 22, 2016, Burt recounted for Aven his conversation with Simes:

Through a trusted third party, I have reached out to the very influential person I mentioned in Luxembourg concerning Project A. There is an interest and an understanding for the need to establish such a channel. But the individual emphasized that at this moment, with so much intense interest in the Congress and the media over the question of cyber-hacking (and who ordered what), Project A was too explosive to discuss. The individual agreed to discuss it again after the New Year. I trust the individual's instincts on this.

  1. Burt 2/9/18 302, at 2; Grand Jury 
  2. Grand Jury 
  3. Burt 2/9/18 302, at 4.
  4. Burt 2/9/18 302, at 5.
  5. Burt 2/9/18 302, at 3.
  6. Burt 2/9/18 302, at 3.
  7. Burt 2/9/18 302, at 3; Simes 3/27/18 302, at 4.
  8. Burt 2/9/18 302, at 3; Simes 3/27/18 302, at 4.
  9. Simes 3/27/18 302, at 5.
  10. Simes 3/27/18 302, at 5.