Page:Rite of Consecration of a Catholic Bishop.djvu/12

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Apostolicæ Sedis Constitutiones veneranter suscipere, docere, ac servare?

thodox Fathers, and the authoritative enactments of the Holy and Apostolic See?

℟. Volo.

A. I will.

Int. Vis beato Petro Apostolo, cui a Deo data est potestas ligandi ac solvendi, ejusque Vicario Domino Nostro Domino Pio Papæ Nono suisque Successoribus, Romanis Pontificibus, fidem, subjectionem, et obedientiam, secundum canonicam auctoritatem, per omnia exhibere?

Q. Wilt thou uniformly render to Peter, the blessed Apostle, to whom by God was given the power of binding and loosening, and to his Vicar Plus IX., and to his successors, the Bishops of Rome, fidelity, subjection, and obedience, according to the injunctions of the Canons?

℟. Volo.

A. I will.

Int. Vis mores tuos ab omni malo temperare et quantum poteris, Domino adjuvante, ad omne bonum commutare?

Q. Wilt thou restrain thy practices from all evil, and to the utmost of thy power, God helping, direct them to all goodness?

℟. Volo.

A. I will.

Int. Vis castitatem et sobrietatem cum Dei auxilio custodire et docere?

Q. Wilt thou, with God's assistance, observe thyself, and teach others to observe, chastity and sobriety?

℟. Volo.

A. I will.

Int. Vis semper in divinis esso negotiis mancipatus et a terrenis negotiis vel lucris turpibus alienus, quantum te humana fragilitas consenserit posse?

Q. Wilt thou for ever continue a bondsman in the affairs of God, and estranged from earthly affairs, and base lucre, as far as human frailty permits thee?

℟. Volo.

A. I will.

Int. Vis humilitatem et patientiam in teipso cus-

Q. Wilt thou, preserve humility and patience in