Page:Rite of Consecration of a Catholic Bishop.djvu/26

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ne eruditio doctrinæ tuæ ulli deesset ætati: cùm et apud veteres reverentiam ipsa significationum species obtineret, et apud nos certiora essent experimenta rerum quàm ænigmata figurarum. Illius namque sacerdotii anterioris habitûs, nostræ mentis ornatus est, et pontificalem gloriam non jam nobis honor commendat vestium, sed splendor animarum: quia et ilia, quæ tunc carnalibus blandiebantur obtutibus, ea potius, quæ in ipsis erant, intelligenda poscebant. Et idcirco huic famulo tuo, quem ad summi Sacerdotii ministerium elegisti, hanc, quæsumus, Domine, gratiam largiaris, ut quidquid illa velamina in fulgore auri, in nitore gemmarum, et in multimodi operis varietate signabant, hoc in ejus moribus actibusque clarescat. Comple in Sacerdote tuo miniterii tui summam, et ornamentis totius glorificationis instructum, cœlestis unguenti rore sanctifica.

Elect, should be robed, during the performance of sacrifice, in mysterious garments, to the end that posterity might derive sacred knowledge from the example of their forefathers, and no age be destitute of Thy instruction: since with them of old, the beauty of symbols commanded reverence; and with us, the experience of the realities supersedes the darkness of figures. For the attire of that former priesthood notifies to us the ornaments of the mind; and sacerdotal glory is not now recommended by the grandeur of robes, but by the beauty of souls. For even those things which then gratified the carnal sight, claimed attention rather to the things they signified. Wherefore, O Lord, we beseech Thee to bestow upon this Thy servant, whom Thou hast chosen to minister to Thee in the dignity of High Priest, that whatsoever in those mystical garments was implied by the glitter of gold, the sparkling of diamonds, and the varied richness of embroidery, may shine in