Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/105

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A. D. 1 276. Anno quarto E ft ward i I. Stat 1. 59 •Cotton MS, rmirorum & edificiorum ; & pro quant© edificia extra fofTatum poterun^ appreciari, & quantum 'valeant, una cum gardinis, columbariis, & omni- bus aliis exitibus Curie per annum. Item inquirendum eft, quot cartipi funt in do- minico, & quantum quelibet acra per fe valeat ad locandum per annum ;. Item inquirendum eft, quot acre prati funt in dominico, & quot funt in campo, & quantum valet quelibet acra ad locan- dum per fe per annum, & ad cujufmodi beftias & animalia paftura ilia fuerit magk neceflaria, & quot & quales poflet fuftinere, .& quantum valet paftu- ra cujufltbet beftie & animalis per fe per annum ad locandum. Item inquirendum eft de paftura forinfeca, que eft communis, & quot & quales beftias, &quot animalia & que dominus habere poflit in eadem, & quantum valet paftura cujuflibet beftie & ani- malis per fe per annum ad locandum. Item inquirendum eft de parcis & dominicis bofcis, que dominus ad voluntatem fuam poflit af- fartare & excolere, & quot acras in fe contineant, & pro quanto veftura cujuflibet acre poterit appre- ciari [appruari ;] & quantum in fe contineant & valeant, quando proftrati fuerint,- & quantum va- let quelibet acra per fe per annum. Item inquirendum- eft de bofcis forinfecis, ubi alii communicant, quid de eifdem bofcis dominus libi poflit approvare, & de quot acris, & pro quan- to veftura cujuflibet acre communiter poflit appre- ciari, & quantum fundus valeat quando proftratus fuerit. Item inquirendum eft, utrum dominus de refiduo bofcorum predidtorum forinfecorum dare poflit, & quantum valeant hujufmodi donaciones & vendiciones per annum. Item inquirendum eft de pannagio & herbagio, melle, oleribus, & omnibus aliis exitibus vivario- rum, marifcorum, inorarum, bruerarum, turbari- arum, & vaftorum, quantum valeant per annum. Item de molendinis, pifcariis feparalibus & com- munibus, quantum valeant per annum. Item de liberis tenentibus quibufcunque forinfe- cis vel extrinfecis [intrinfecis] inquirendum eft, & quot funt libere tenentes, & qui, & quas terras, & que tenementa, & que feoda teneant, & per quod ferviciumi, utrum videl. per focagium, vel per fervicium militare, vel alio modo, & quantum valeant & reddant per annum de redditu aflife ; & qui tenent per cartam, & qui nOn ; & qui tenent per antiquam tenuram, tk qui per novum feoffa- mentum. Item inquirendum eft de predicts libere tenentibus, & qui fequuntur Curiam a Cqmitatu in Comitatum, & qui: non, & quantum & quid accidit domino poft mortem talium libere tenen- dum. Item inquirendum eft de cufturtiartis, q.uot funt cuftumarii, & quantum teirre quilibet cuftumarius •teneat, & que opera, & quas confuetudines faci- ant ; & quantum valeant opera 6c confuetudines cujuflibet cuftumarii per fe per annum, [ad locan- dum, et quantum reddant de redditu ajjije] preter opera & confuetudines, & qui poftint talliari ad Voluntatem domini, & qui non. very Value of the fame Walls and Buildings ; (2) and for how much the Buildings without the Ditch 1 Roll jo:, may be prized, and what they be worth, with the * Roll 31. Gardens, Curtilages, Dove-houfes, and all other If- fues of the -Court by the Year. ' II. It is to be inquired alfo, how many Fields are The Demefnes, of the Demefnes, * and how many Acres of Land are • Theft wards' in every Field, and what every Acre is worth by the *« ««' <« the Yearf ; and how many Acres of Meadow are of the 0ri Z't*J* (wtes* Demefnes, and how many be in a Field, and hoW f^tf"* 13 ' much every Acre by itfelf is worth by the Year to be j Though theft let; (2) % alfo bow many Acres of P allure there be, Words are not in and for what Beafts or Cattle the fame Pafture is moft the Original, yet neceflary, and how many it will find, and of what thc y <*rc prepay Manner, and what the Pafture of every Beaft is 'cfX^itfj ' worth to be let by the Year. _ Se^viithut fuel ' III. Alfo it is to be inquired of foreign Pafture, an Additive that is Common, how many, and what Beafts and The foreign Cattle the Lord may have in the fame, and how much Paftme - the Pafture of every Beaft is worth by the Year to be let. ' IV. Alfo it is to be inquired of Parks, and demefn The Parks am Woods, which the Lord may || ajfert and improve at ^™ e{a Woo<j3 - his Pleafure, and how many Acres they contain, and j. ea /L^ how much the Vefture of an Acre is worth ; (2) and how much the Land is worth after the Wood is felled, and how many Acres it containeth, and how much every Acre is worth by the Year. ' V. Alfo it is to be inquired of foreign Woods, Foreign Woois, where other Men have Common, and how much the Lord may improve to himfelf of the fame Woods ; and how many Acres, and for how much the Vefture of every Acre may be valued at, and how much the Ground is worth yearly after that the Wood is felled, ^ and how many Acres it containeth, and what every q We fe- fronts Acre is worth by the Tear. And it is to be inquired, mt in the whether the Lord may give or fell any Thing of the Original. Refidue of the forefaid Woods, and what fuch Gifts and Sales are worth by the Year. ' VI. Alfo it is to , be inquired of Pawnage, Herbage Paw-nag;, Her* of the Town, Honey, and all other Profits of Forefts, bage. Woods, Rivers, Moors, Marifhes, Heaths, Tur- bary, and Wafte, and how much it is worth by the ' Year. ' VII. Alfo of Mills, Fifhings feveral and common, uh, Flihings.' what they be Worth by the Year. ' VIII. Alfo it is to be inquired of Freeholders, the Freeholders. which dwell without, as well as within, that is to fay, how many Freeholders there be, ** and what ** Andivhorty Manner Lands and Tenements, and what Fees they be, and what, hold, and by what Sendees, whether it be by So- ®"" cage, or Knight's Service, or otherwife^ and what they are worth, and pay yearly of Rent of Aflife, and who hold by Charter, and who not and who by old Tenure,, and who by new Feoffment. (2) Alfo it is to be inquired of the faid free Tenants, which do follow the Court ft of the County, and , j. Fm . .f , he which not, and what and how much falleth to the ccL-tv, 'eld '?.',„. Lord after the Death of fuch free Tenants. -Celr.'y « C^asy. ' lit. It is to be inquired alfo of cuftomary Te- Cuflomary Tb- nanrs$ that is to wit, how many there be, and how ?»«;, . much Land every Of therYi holdeth ;. what Works 4C°,.ai,. ..< and Cuftoms he doth, and what the Works and Cuf- toms of every Tenant be worth yearly, and hoW : much Rent of Aflife he paid yearly befrdes the Works ] . and Cuftoms, and which of them may be .taxed at ,,-.■" the Will of the Lord, and which not. ,' • • ■ --• :-' , M , .'"X-If .