Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/106

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6o Stat, i. Anno quarto Edwardi I. A. D. 1276. Cottages and Curtelages. Perqnifites of Couits. Patronage?, Co. Lit. 374-, b. Liberties, Cuf- t'jrr.s, and Ser- vices.

  • Not in Or-g.

1 X. It is alfo to be inquired of Cottagers, that is to 4 fay, what Cottages and Curtelages they hold, and by 4 what Service, and how much they do pay by the ' Year for all their Cottages and Curtelages. ' XI. ' It is alfo to be inquired of Pleas and Perqui- ' fites of the Counties, of the Courts of the Forefts, ' with Lawing of Dogs, and how much they be worth

  • by the Year in all Blues.

' XII. it is alfo to be inquired of Churches that be- ' long to the Lords Gift, how many there be, and 4 what, and where, and how much every Church is ' worth by the Year, after the true Eftimation of the ' fame. ' XIII. It is alfo to be inquired, what be the Value 'of Heniots, FaiiSj Markets, * Efchetes, Cufloras,

  • Services, and foreign Works and Cuftoms, and what

' the Pleas and Perquifites of Courts, Fines, and Re- ' liefs, and all other Cafualties are worth by the Year, ' that may fall in any of thefe Things.' Cotton MS. Item inquirendum eft de coterellis, qui cotagia & curtilagia teneant, & per quod fervicium, ik quantum reddant per annum pro predicts cotagiis & curtilagiis. Item inquirendum eft de placitis & perquifitis comitatuum, & curiarum foreftarum, cum expedi- tacione canum, 6c quantum valeant per annum in omnibus exitibus. Item inquirendum eft de ecclefiis que pertinent ad donacionem domini, quot & que funt, & ubi, & quantum valent, & quantum quelibet ecclefia valet per annum per fe, fecundum verum valorem illius. Item inquirendum eft, quid valeant herrietta, nundine, mercheta, confuetudlnes & fervicia, o- peraciones, confuetudines forinfece, & quantum valeant placita & perquifita, fines & relevia, & om- nia alia cafualia, que accidere poffunt per annum. A Statute De Officio Coronatoris, made Anno 4 Edw. I. StaU 2. and Anno Dom. 1276. •er IT. 3. 1. 17. 3 Ed. t. c. 10.

  • htftead of the

Words in Italhksf reader/?, ivben Coroners are com' manded by the King's Bayliffs, ir by boneft Men cf the Country, they pall go, Qjc. Murtber. f Add if it concerns jt Man Jlain, tvbether they knoiv, &c. J Add if any, and ivbo, CSfr. |; AdJ and in

  • zahat Manner

culpable. Inquiry of the Offenders. A Man found flain. f For in Rt'ls, read in the Rolls of the Conner:. 4 Read in the Fields or IVjcds, end be there found, &c.

    • Read there.

•f-f" Read or of the Herfe ivli:b brr.vgbt hint, or Cart, if perchance he 'Was brought upon a Horft or Cart. The Murrhcrer found culpable.

Read and if 

there be any ivha are fai.1 to be vui'ty of the Murder. (ji| Fcri/J, real their. «;•{ foth<haih,t Of what Things a Coroner fhall inquire. Coroner of our Lord the King ought to in- quire of thefe Things, * if he be certified by the King's Bailiff's, or other honeji Men of the Coun- try : Fir/}, he fhall go to the Places where any be flain, or fuddenly dead, or wounded, or where Houfes are broken, or where Treafure is laid to be found, and fhall forthwith command four of the next Towns, or five or fix, to appear before him in fuch a Place ; (zj and when they are come thither, the Coroner upon the Oath of them fhall inquire in this manner, that is to wit, If f they know where the Perfon was flain, whether it were in any Houfe, Field, Bed, Tavern, or Company, and J who were there : Like- wife it is to be inquired, who were || culpable either of the Aft, or of the Force, and who were prefent, either Men or Women, and of what Age foever they be (if they can fpeak, or have any Dilcretion;) (3) and how many foever be found culpable by Inquifi- tion in any of the Manners aforefaid, they fhall be taken and delivered to the Sheriff, and fhall be com- mitted t:> the Gaol ; (a.) and fuch as be founden, and be not culpable, fhall be attached until the com- ing of the Juftices, and their Names fhall be written fl in Rolls. (5) If it fortune any fuch Man be flain, 4- which is found in the Fields, or in the Woods, firft it is to be inquired, whether he were flain ** in the fame Place, or not; (6) and if he were brought and laid there, they fhall do fo much as they can to follow their Steps that brought the Body thither, ft vjhe- ther he were brought upon a Horfe, or in a Cart : { 7 ) It fhall be inquired alfo, if the dead Perfon were known, or elfe a Stranger, and where he lay the Night before; (8) % and if any he found culpable of the Alurther, the Coroner fhall immediately go unto H his Houfe, and fhall inquire what Goods ffl he hath, and what Corn 44 he hath in his Graunge; and

  • if he be a Freeman, they fhall inquire how much

Land I he hath, and what it is worth yearly; and further, what Corn X he hath upon the G round. (9) And when they have thus inquired upon every thing, ' l&.bty lave. 44 V<>x be bith in hit, read they lave in their* * Read//" 3 Cotton MS. Vefpaf. B. 7. E C funt inquirenda a coronatoribus dominf regis : In primis, quum coronatores habent mandatum a ballivis domini regis, vel a pro- bis hominibus patrie, quod accedant ad occifos, vel ad fubito mortuos, vel ablatos, ad vulneratcs vel domorum fradtores, vel ad locum ubi dicitur thefaurum effe inventum, ftatim accedant, & ftatim debentmandarequatuor villatis, velquinque, velfek vicinis, quod fint coram ipfis tali loco ; & cum ve- nerint, coronatores ad facramentum illorum debent facere inquificionem in hac forma; fcil. Si fuerit de homine occifo, primo inquirend' ubi occifus fuerit, & fi in campo, vel in domo, vel ad luftam, [luttariam] aut tabernam, vel ad eongregacionem ; & fi quis, vel qui ibidem fuerint : Similiter inqui- rend' eft, qui & quales culpabiles fuerint, five de facto, five de forcia, & quis fuerit in curia, & qui ibidem fuerint homines aut mulieres cujufcunque fuerint etatis,. dummodo tamen loqui fciant, & ha- beant _aliquam difcrecionem; & quotquot inventi fuerint culpabiles per inquificion. aliquorum modo- ' rum pred. capiantur & liberentur vicecomiti, St imponantur ingaolam ; & quotquot inventi fuerint,, qui non funt culpabiles, attachientur ufque ad ad- ventum jufticiariorum itinerantium, & nomina eorum in rotulo fcribantur coronatoris. Si quis autem talium occifus fuerit in campis vel in bofcis, & ibi inveniatur, primo inquiratur fi ibi occifus fuerit vel non, & fi forte illuc difFeratur, fequantur veftigia eorum, fi poteft fieri, qui corpus illuc de- tulerunt, vel equi qui ducebat, vel carefte, fi forte equo vel carc&a deferatur. Inquiratur eciam fi in- terfeftus fuerit notus vel ignotus, & ubi nodfe ilia precedente fuerit hofpitatus. Si autcm hujusoccift fuerint, de quibus dicitur quod culpabiles fint, fta- tim accedant coronatores ad domum illorum, &l inquirant que catalla habuerunt, & que blada in grangia; & fi liberi homines fuerint, quantam ter- rain habuerint, & quantum valeat per annum, & they be Yretmen. •}' Read tbej have. they have. que I