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A.D. 1278. Anno fexto Edwardi I. C. 13— 15. 69 . Ex Rot. in Tun. Lond. naunt eit fa terre perdue qe il facent eftendre la terre e returnent leftent au Baunk a certein jor e apres feit maunde al vifcunte del pais ou le garaunt e fu fomouns qil lui face aver de la terre del garaunt a la vaillaunce. Tenant have loft his Land, they fhall caufe the Land to be extended, and valued, and fhall return the Ex- tent at a certain Day into the Bench, (5) and after it fhall be commanded to the Sheriff of the Shire (where th Warrantee was fummoned) that he fhall caufe hi to have as much of the Land of the Warrantor Regiff. 2. in V alue.' Comftd fy 9 EJ. I. CAP. XIII. No Wafle fhall be made hanging a Suit for the Land. jUrveu eft enfement qe del houre qe plai ferra meu en la Cite de Lundres par bref le tenaunf ne eit pas poer de fere waft ne eftreppement du te- nement qi eft en demaunde pendaunt le plai. E ceo face le Meire e les Baillifs garder a la fuite del demaundaunt. E mefme le ordenement e ftatut feit garde en autres cites e burgs e aillors par tut le reaume. T is provided-alfo, That after fuch Time as a Plea fhall be moved in the City of London by Writ, the Tenant fhall have no Power to make any Wafte or Eftrepement of the Land in demand (hanging the Plea) and if he do, the Mayor and Bailiffs fhall caufe it to be kept at the Suit of the Demandant, (z) And the fame Ordinance and Statute fhall be obferved in other Cities, Boroughs, and every where throughout the Realm.' Raft. pla. f. 3177 14 H. 7. f. 7. jo* Dyer, f. 325. 5 Co. 115. See 13 Ed. I. c. 14. which takes ataay the Writ of Prohibition of Wafle. Pmuftom rejfc3irg Wafle, Godbolt 112. pi. 134. Regift. 76. 2 Inir. 327. See farther 13 Ed. I. c. 11. 20 Ed. i. flat. 1, And 1 1 H. 6. c. 5. containir.gfarth'.r C A P. XIV.- A Citizen of London (hall recover in an Aflife Damages with the Land. J E Rei graunte de fa grace a Citeins de Lun- dres qe la ou avaunt ces houres ceus qi fu- rent deffifi de fraunc tenement en mefme la Cite ne poeient recoverir lur damages avaunt venue des _uftices a la Tour qe ceus defeifis deforemes eient lur damages par la reconifaunce de la aflife par la quele il recovererent lur tenement e les defei fours feient amerciez devaunt deus Barons del Efcheqer qi unefoiz par an vendrount en la Cite a ceo fere. E ceo feit maunde al Treforer e as Baruns qe il facent chefcun an par deus de eus apres lur lever de la Chaundelure, e les amerciemenz par fomo- nufe del Efcheqer feient levez e al eus le Rei ale Efcheqer livere.. THE King of his fpecial Grace granteth unto * ^ ft - 3*9«  the Citizens of London, that whereas before- times they that were diffeifed of Freehold in the fame City could not recover their Damages before the coming of the Juftices to the Tower, that from henceforth the Diffeifees fhall have Damages by Re- cognizance of the fame Aflife whereby they reco- vered their Lands. (2) And the Diffeifors fhall be amerced before Two Barons of the Exchequer, which fhall jrefort once a Year into the City- to do it. (3) And it fhall be commanded unto the Barons and to the Treafurer of the Exchequer, that they fhall caufe. it every Year to be levied by Two of them at their rifing after Candlemas. (4) And the Amerciaments, by Summons of the Exchequer fhall be levied to the. King's Ufe, and be delivered at the Exchequer.' CAP. XV. Urveu eft enfement qe le Meire e les Baillifs avaunt la venue de ceus Baruns enquerrunt des vins venduz In Wines, encountre la affile e le prefenterunt devaunt eus a lur venue e dunqe feient amerciez la ou il foleient Raft - r - atendre la venue des Juftices. Done a Glouceftre. le dimeins prochein apres la fefte fein Pere a la goule de Auft le an avauntdit. An Exposition of the faid Statute of Gloucefter, made alfo Anno 6 Edwardi I. Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. POftmodum per Dominum Regem & Juftic' fuos fa£te funt quedam explanationes quorum- dam articulorum fuperius pofitorum videlicet Ad primum articulum ubi illi qui habent ingreffurn prer diffeifinam currant dampna a tempore ftatuti publicati. Eodem modo de brevibus de ingreffu fuper diffeifinam. De dampnis in omnibus brevibus mortis antecef- foris confanguinitatis avi proavi de intrufione vel dfe fa£to proprio per quodcumque breve currant ' A FTER, by the King and his Juftices, certain ' J- Expofitions were made upon ibme of the Ar- '•*■•»■ tides above mentioned, that is to wit, (2) To ' the firft Article, for Entries by Diffeifm, Damages ' fhall run from the Time of the Statute publifhed. ' (3) In the fame wife in Writs of Entry upon Dif- ' feifin, and in all Writs of Mortdauncejler, Cofinage, ' Aid, or Befaiel, of Intrufion by. one's own Act by any manner of Writ, Damages fhnll run after the Writ purchafed agairift them that held bv Statute, . '■a'lbcii Glo'uccft,