Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/118

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n2 Stat, i. Anno feptimo Edwardi I. A. D. 1279. '" and our Realm, (2) And now in our next Parlia- ct merit ztlVeflminJler, after the faid Treatife, the Pre- " lates, Earls, Barons, and the Commonalty of our " Realm, there afferribled to take Advice of this Bufi- 61 n?fs, have faid, that to us it belongeth, and our " Part is, through our Royal Seigniory, ftraitly to de- " fend Force of Armour, and all other Force againft " our Peace, at all Times when it fhall pleafe us, and " to punifh them which fhall do contrary, according " to our Laws and Ufages of our Realm; (3) and " hereunto they are bound to aid us as their Sovereign " Lord at all Seafons, when Need fhall be." (4) ' We command you, that ye caufe thefe Things to be ' read afore you in the faid Bench, and there to be en- , , ' rolled. Given at JVellminfter, the thirtieth Day of Zfrc'dh < Ofaber.'t -2 Ed. 3. c. 3. ' 7 R. 2. c. 13. and 20 R. 2, c. I. -j- Add in the yth Year of our Reign. Cotton MS. Claudius, D. z. & peifiblement al Honour de nous & de la pees de nous & de noftre roialme & ja en noftre profchein Parlement a Weftmonftre apres le dit tretis les Prelates Countes & Barouns & le comunalte de noftre roialme illoeqes affembles en avifement fur cefle bufoigne nous eient dit qe a nous appent &c devons per noftre roiale Seignurie defendre forte- ment des armes & toute autre force cauntre noftre pees a toutes les foitz qe nous plerra & punir ceux qi countre viendrent felonc les leies & les ufages de noftre roialme. Et qe a ceo fount ils tenuz de nous eider come lour bone Seignur toutes les foitz qe miefter ferra Vous maundons qe ceftes chofes facez lire devant vous en dit Baunk & illoeqes enrouller. Don' a Weftm' le xxx. jour Doftobr' Ian de noftre Regne feptifme. ■* Add st«i. z. A Statute of Mortmain, made 15 Novemb. Anno 7 Edw. Anno Dom. 1279. 1. » and Who fhall take the Forfeiture of Lands eiven in Mortmain. -% Aid the King " to the Juftices of " his Bench greet- cc big, ivhere of . a late, &c. {4 off. 3. fat. I. c. 36. 1 Roll " 154. 157; 457- " a Roll 170. tt g H. 3. flat. 1. cc & a. c. 36. 8H.4. 15. 41 Ed. 3. 16, 21. " 4.7 Ed. 3. 11. «  Bro. Mortmain, a 15, 16, 18, 20, ( 21,27, 31, 3?> t 39, 4',43- 50 Ed. 3. 22. Fits. Mortmain, c 13. Co. Lit. 2. b. 4 15 Ed. 4. 13. c Fitz Formedon, 57- F'-2- Qii are ' amp. 163. U Not in Orig. i «jT Read liege t Men of our Kingdjm. No Land lliall ' be aliened in c Mortmain upon c Pain of the For- < feiture thereof. 2 Bulftr. 187. 3Bulftr. 45. * t Who (hill take «  the Benefit of c the Forfeiture, < HERE of late it was provided, That Re- ligious Men fhould not enter into the Fees of any without Licence and Will of the chief Lord, of whom fuch Fees be holden im- mediately ; and notwithftanding fuch Religious Men have entered as well into their own Fees, as into the Fees of other Men, approprying and buying them, and fometime receiving them of the Gift of others, whereby the Services that are due of fuch Fees, and which at the Beginning were provided for Defence of the Realm, are wrongfully withdrawn, and the chief Lords do leefe their Efchetes of the fame :" (z) ' We therefore to the Profit of our Realm, intending to provide convenient Remedy, by the Advice of our Prelates, Earls, || Barons, and other SI our SubjeSls, being of our Council, have p:o- vided, made, and ordained, That no Perfon, Reli- gious or other, whatfoever he be that will, buy or fell any Lands or Tenements, or under the Colour of Gift or Leafe, or that will receive by reafon of any other Title, whatfoever it be, Lands or Tenements, or by any other Craft or Engine will prefttme to ap- propre to himfelf, under Pain of Forfeiture of the fame, whereby fuch Lands or Tenements may any wife come into Mortmain. (3) We have provided alfo, That if any Perfon, Religious or other, do prefume either by Craft or Engine to offend againft this Statute, it fhall be lawful to us and other chief Lords of the Fee immediate, to enter into the Land fo aliened, within a Year from the Time of the Alie- nation, and to hold it in Fee as an Inheritance. (4) And if the chief Lord immediate be negligent, and will not enter into fuch Fee within the Year, then it fhall be lawful to the next chief Lord immediate of ihs fame Fee to enter into the fame Land within -half a Year next following, and to hold it as before is faid ; and k> every Lord immediate may enter into fuch Land, if t'le next Lord be negligent in entering into the fame Fee, as is aforefaid. (5) And if all the chief Lords of fuch Fees, being of full Age, Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 47. EX Juftic' fuis de Banco falutem. Cum du- dum provifum fuiffet quod viri religiofi feoda aliquorum non ingrederentur fine licentia & voluntate capitalium dominorum de quibus feoda ilia immediate tenentur & viri religiofi poftmodum nichilominus tarn feoda fua propria quam aliorum hactenus ingreffi fint ea fibi appropriando & eraen- do & aliquando ex dono aliorum recipiendo per quod fervicia que ex hujufmodi feodis debentur & que ad defenfionem regni ab initio provifa fuerurit indebite fubtrahuntur & domini capitales efcaetas fuas inde amittunt. Nos fuper hoc pro utilitate regni congruum remedium provideri volentes de confilio Prelatorum Comitum & aliorum fidelium regni noftri de confilio noftro exiftentium providi- mus ftatuimus & ordinavimus quod nullus religio- fus aut alius quicumque terras aut tenementa ali- qua emere vel vendere aut fub colore donationis aut termini vel alterius tituli cujufcumque ab aliquo recipere aut alio quovis modo arte vel ingenio libi appropriare prefumat fub forisfaftura eorumdem per quod ad manum mortuam terre & tenementa hujufmodi deveniant quoquo modo. Providimus etiam quod ft quis religiofus aut alius contra pre- fens ftatutum aliquo modo arte vel ingenio venire prefumpferit liceat nobis & aliis immediati3 capi- talibus dominis feodi taliter alienati illud infra an- num a tempore alienationis hujufmodi ingredi & tenere in feodo & hereditate. Et fi capital' dorai- nus immediatus negligens fuerit & feod' hujufmo- di ingredi noluerit infra annum tunc liceat proxi- mo capitali domino mediato feodi illius infra dimi- dium annum fequentenv feodum illud ingredi & tenere ficut prediclum eft & fie quilibet dominus mediatus faciat fi propinquior dominus in ingredi- endo hujufmodi feod' negligens fuerit ut prediclum eft. Et fi omnes hujufmodi capitales domini hu- jufmodi feodi qui plene fuerint etatis & infra qua- tuor maria & extra prifonam per unum annum negligentes vel remifli fuerint in hac parte nos ftatim