Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/124

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7'3 Stat. r. Anno decimo tertio Edwardi I. A. D. 1285, Rati. 97. Enforced and amended by ■1.3 Ed..i. flat. .C.J. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. les mainpernours ou les plegges ne eyent damage, Mes en defaute des biens moebles al dettur eit le creaunzurrecoverir fur les mainpernours ou fur les plegges en la forme qe avaunt eft dite del dettur. E a fuftenir les cuftages lavaundit clerk fi prendra le Rei de chefcune livre un denier. Ceft ordein- ment e eftablifement veut le Rei qe deforemes feit tenu par tut fun reaume de Engleterre entre quel j;ent qe ceus feient qe de lur ein degre voderunt tele reconoifaunce fere forfpris jeus as quels ceft eftablifement ne fe eftent pas. E par ceft eftabliflement ne feit bref de dette abatu. E ne foyent pas le Chancelier, Ba- i-uns del Efcheqere, J uftices del un Baunc e del autre, e Juftices erraunz, forclos de prendre reconoiflaunces de dettes de ceus qi devaunt eus le voderunt fere. Mes les executions de conoiflaunces devaunt eus ne feyent as fetes par la forme avauntdite, mes par la ley, e le ufage, e la maniere avaunt ufee. Donee a A&one "urnel le duzim jor de O£tobre en Ian de noftre regne unzim. Confimilia Statuta habent majores Eborum & Briftol, Line. & Winton. & Salop. moveable of the Debtor, the Mainpernors or Pledges fhall be without Damage : (2) Notwithftanding, for default of moveable Goods of the Debtor, the Creditor ihall have Execution of his Recognifance upon the Mainpernors or Pledges, in fuch Manner and Form as before is limited againft the principal Debtor.' f STATUTUM WALLIE, See Appendix, STATUTA REGIS EDWARDI edita apud Weftmon* in Parliamento fuo Pafch. Anno Regni fui tertio decimo. The Statute of WESTMINSTER the Second, made Anno 13 Edw. h Stat. 1. and Anno Dom. 1285. W «  HEREAS of late our Lord the King, in the Quinzim of Saint "John Baptift, the Sixth Year of his Reign, calling together the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and his Council at Gloucejler, and confidering that divers of this Realm were difherited, by Reafon that in many Cafes, where Remedy fhould have been had, there was none provided by him nor his Predeceflbrs, ordained cer- tain Statutes right neceflary and profitable for his Realm, whereby the People of England and Ireland, being Subjects unto his Power, have obtained more fpeedy Juftice in their Oppreinons, than they had before ; and certain Cafes, wherein the Law failed, did remain undetermined, and fome remained to be enacted, that were for the Reformation of the Op- preflions of the People : Our Lord the King in his Parliament, after the Feaft of Eajier, holden the Thirteenth Year of his Reign at Wejirninjler, caufed many Oppreffions of the People, and Defaults of the Laws, for the Accomplifhment of the faid Statutes of Glouce/ier, to be rehearfed, and thereupon did pro- vide certain Acts, as fhall appear here following." Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 46. CU M nuper Dominus Rex in quindena fanc"ti Johannis Baptifte anno regni fui fexto con- vocatis Prelatis Comitibus Baronibus & con- filip fuo apud GIpuc' quia multi de regno fuo ex- heredationem patiebantur eo quod in multis cafibus ubi remedium apponi debuit prius non fuit per pre- deceflbres fuos aut ipfum remedium provifum que- dam ftatuta populo fuo valde neceflaria & utilia edidit per que populus fuus Anglicanus & Hiberni- cus fub fuo regimine gubematus celeriorem jufti- tiarn quam prius in fuis oppreflionibus confecutus eft ac quidam Cafus in quibus lex deficiebat remanfe- runt non determinati quedam enim ad reprimen- dum oppreflionem populi remanferunt ftatuenda Dominus Rex in parliamento fuo poft Pafchaanno regni fui tertio decimo apud Weftm' multas op- preffiones & legum defedtus ad fuppletionem pre- diclorum ftatutorum apud Glouc' editorum recitari fecit & ftatuta edidit ut patebit in fequenti. C A P. I. In Gifts in Tail the Donor's Will fhall be obferved. The Form of a Formedon. ^fiKera) Sorts of Cifts of Lands in Ta 1. 1 I.eon. ill. 1 Roll43, 153, '&> 333>3i7» 3» S- T? I R S T, Concerning Lands that many Times are ' jl given upon Condition, that is to wit, Where ' any giveth his Land to any Man and his Wife, and ' to the Heirs begotten of the Bodies of the fame Man ' and his Wife, with fuch Condition exprefled, that if

  • the fame Man and his Wife die without Heirs of their

IN primis de tenementis que mulcotiens dantuf, fub conditione videlicet cum aliquis dat terram fuam alicui viro & ejus uxcri & heredibus de ipfis viro & muliere procreatis adjecta conditione expref- fa tali quod fi hujufmodi vir & niuljer fine herede de ipfis viro & muliere procreato obiflent terra fie data